
Please see the initial post on the family book and cd/dvd exchange so you will have an idea on what this is all about.

March - Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard and First Circle by Enter the Worship Circle
April - The Red Violin and Hallelujah! the Welcome Table: A Lifetime of Memories with Recipes by Maya Angelou.

The month of May came a bit late for me, but with it came the selection from my sister Erin. She choose to send around The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures by Anne Fadiman and Remember We Forget by Late Tuesday.

I didn’t have enough time to read the book, but it did look pretty interesting. The just of it is a little girl of a refugee family from Laos is diagnosed with severe epilepsy and there are many conflicts introduced because her family only speaks Hmong which the small hospital in California was not ready for.

Lia’s parents and her doctors both wanted what was best for Lia, but the lack of understanding between them led to tragedy.

Sounds like a pretty interesting and sad saga. One interesting thing: my mom was in the hospital the other day and on the wall they had all the translation services and Hmong is now being offered as a translation service. Hopefully I will pick the book up some time and have a go at it!

The CD I actually talked about in my post on Late Tuesday. If you want to read up and hear some stuff from that CD, head over there. Also, I went to their show and have posted some pictures from Late Tuesday’s show at The Q in Seattle. Since I posted songs from Remember We Forget in the other post, I thought I would post two songs from their first, self titled, album.

Ordinary (4.00MB):

just another day.
breathing out and breathing in.
put on the same old jacket.
step out the door.
and no birds are singing except the ones inside your head and they sing oo oo-oo oo-oo sha na na…

[chorus] this is no ordinary day, no ordinary life i’m living.
this is no ordinary day, no ordinary life i’m living.
for you appear to me in the ordinary…

just another day.
holding the hand of one you’ve loved for thirty years.
late tuesday or thursday afternoons blurring together like watercolor lines.
and no one is singing except the voice inside your head and it goes oo oo-oo oo-oo sha na na…


it’s just another day just another step in this maze we call our own.
a trip to the store same people around the routine sometimes gets old.
it’s the same old same old for msot of us.
a walk in the park [yeah, if i had time].
it’s breaking my back for one little dime that keeps bread on the table and life in my eyes.
but you love these things that most would despise.
you love these things that most would despise.
that’s not very ordinary…


118 (4.25MB):

i was pushed back and about to fall but the Lord helped me.
He is my strength and He is my song, He has become my salvation.
i tried my hardest to trust in myself futilely.
in my anguish i cried to the Lord.
and He answered me by setting me free…

[chorus] the Lord is with me and i will not be afraid.
what can man and all his ways do to me…

His love endures forever…


I hope I get my June selection soon…

  1. salmypal
    June 14th, 2005 at 06:53 | #1

    Is Katie sending it to your old address? You should send me your new address so I can update everyone when I send out the email telling everyone to move those books along.

  2. June 14th, 2005 at 12:12 | #2

    Bob just talked to her today and said that she sent it to my current address… just a little late. ;)

  1. June 29th, 2005 at 22:56 | #1
  2. June 30th, 2005 at 16:28 | #2