Apollo 11

Buzz Aldrin poses on the Moon for Neil Armstrong (seen in reflection).

July 20th marks the 36th anniversary of the first manned moon landing. On this day in 1969 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin aboard the lunar lander “Eagle” took man’s first steps on the foreign surface of the moon. Google MoonApollo 11‘s achievement has been commemorized by google over at moon.google. There you can explore the moon’s surface (thanks to imagery curtesy of Nasa) and the landing sites of each of the landed missions. (Ever wanted to know what the moon was really made of? Try zooming all the way in. ;) )

Check out Nasa’s Apollo 11 website, Nasa’s Apollo 11 35th anniversary page, and an unofficial Apollo 11 information page.

Also note that Nasa’s return to flight is scheduled to happen next Tuesday, the 26th of July.

Ἡ χάρις τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ μεθ᾽ ὑμῶν.

Categories: Science
  1. July 20th, 2005 at 20:25 | #1

    I zoomed all the way in (oddly about 10 minutes before I found this blog) and laughed my fool ass off.

  2. July 20th, 2005 at 22:20 | #2

    heh, seriously!

    And in the words of Harry Carey (okay, actually Will Ferrell): “If the moon was made of spare ribs, would you eat it? It’s a simple question!”

  3. July 20th, 2005 at 22:50 | #3

    That was one cool night watching a man on the moon on live TV.
    Nice Blog…

  4. July 20th, 2005 at 23:15 | #4

    I definitely wish I could have experienced that! Now I try and catch any shuttle launches I can. I would love to see one in person some day. Thanks for coming by!

  5. salmypal
    July 21st, 2005 at 07:06 | #5

    Come on, Man! It was a total conspiracy…we didn’t land on the moon! Those photos were all faked. :)

  6. July 21st, 2005 at 15:06 | #6

    I remember the first time I heard that conspiracy that we didn’t really land on the moon-that the whole thing was staged in a Hollywood studio or something.
    Thanks for the links, yo.

  7. July 21st, 2005 at 16:05 | #7

    Heh, conspiracy theories make me laugh. Hard to take anyone seriously that belives many of them!

    Glad I could provide some links for your viewing pleasure :)

  8. July 31st, 2005 at 08:16 | #8

    for those ooking gogole is hiring peopel to work on the moon more info here http://www.google.com/jobs/lunar_job.html

  9. Tanawat
    June 7th, 2007 at 04:40 | #9

    Those photo were all fake.

  10. June 7th, 2007 at 11:19 | #10

    I truly hope you aren’t serious. Seek help!

  1. January 13th, 2008 at 12:40 | #1

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