Image Mosaic Generator

While surfing around the other day, I can across this cool page: the Image Mosaic Generator. Their web based program allows you to upload an image and it will search Flickr for photos that match in color to create the mosaic. It is pretty cool. I think one thing that would make it cooler is if it could search your own photographs (either on Flickr or your hard drive) to create the mosaic. As it stands you don’t have any control over which photos are used. But, regardless, it is still pretty neat. Here is one that I did:

This is a picture I took at the Seattle Science center and is (obviously) of the Space Needle and the Ferris Wheel. Please vote for this photo at JPG Magazine’s Embrace the Blur theme. And this is the mosaic creation (you can click for a larger version, but it looks better if you stand far away or view a smaller version…):

Pretty cool, eh? Check it out: Image Mosaic Generator

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Categories: Computer, Photoblog
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