Lonely Forest Lyrics!

Yes, it is true! Search no more! I now have in my possession lyrics to the Lonely Forest’s music! John Van Deusen has very kindly provided me with lyrics to their God is Dead project (which includes their entire Regicide EP) as well as some of the new songs in the Nuclear Winter project. So for all your Lonely Forest fans (which you all should be), head over to my Lonely Forest lyrics page.

Also, in an attempt (not sure how successful it will be…) to help promote the guys, I have created The Lonely Forest Street Team blog. There you can find all the latest news and info on upcoming shows as well as various video clips and pictures. It is still a work in progress that I know has some compatibility issues with some browsers (USE FIREFOX!), but you should still stop by and say hi!

Categories: Blogging, Meaningful Song
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