Waiting in Line
This weekend was, of course, the opening of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire so I made the trek down to Seattle (who care about papers?) to catch the flick at the IMAX with some good friends. I really enjoyed the movie. Of course the left much out of the book but did well for the amount of time they had. The graveyard scene was one of my favorites in the book and I do wish they had done a bit more there. Much of the evening was spent in line just hanging out and I did appreciate Dan trying to put the moves on Stacey (his wife).
Dan being smooth.
And here are a few more pictures of us waiting in line (click an image for larger version and the gallery):
Fun times! Next comes Narnia!! I am really excited for that one! I also got to see my aunts today for lunch so that was cool because I hadn’t seen them in quite a while. Good weekend… not so much in the homework sense… but there is more to life than reading and writing, right? Right? Oh, and Erin told me about the Harry Potter Lexicon, by and for people with too much time on their hands. It is actually a really helpful site to help keep all the Potter stuff straight. Check it out.
-Matt Jones
It was great seeing you too!! Looking forward to Christmas!!!
Love you,
Looks like ya’ll had a great time! I’m one of those odd balls who isn’t into Potter.
Hanging out with friends is always good times
I had resisted the Potter craze untill my fmaily finally got me to read them all this summer. I am glad that they did, they were a fun read.
The theatre near our house reopened just in time so we didn’t have to drive to Baton Rouge after all!
I loved the movie, there was very little I would change, but I’m going to need to see it again. One odd quirk about New Orleans right now is that most businessess that typically hire minimum wage staff all have new employees - nobody knows what they’re doing. So one reel of the movie was not rewound, and loaded backwards and upside down. Eventually they gave us replacement tickets and we watched the rest of the movie in another room. I want to watch it straight through with no interruptions.
Anybody else getting a bit nervous about the actors bailing out on the last few movies? I know Dumbledore had to be replaced but imagine a different Harry, Ron or Hermione…
I’m really looking forward to Narnia…I’ve never camped out for a movie, but I just might for this one.
I hope it’s not a disappointment-the BBC ones came out when I was a kid…I was extremely disappointed, it took me years to recover…
Heh, that is a bummer that the movie screwed up, but at least you got a free ticket out of it! Yeah, it would be very strange if they didn’t come back. Although it will also be strange that they will be fairly old when the last movie comes out when they are still supposed to be in their mid teens…
Narnia looks like it is going to rock. Special effects guys from WETA who did LOTR, so they got that going on.
Those BBC ones WERE pretty bad… aside from the effects, the acting was just so bad, it was painful to see.
Agreed about WETA - once I heard that they did the effects for Narnia, and I saw an interview with the director who acknowledged that these books are beloved by millions and ought not to be tampered with and rewritten, I relaxed and expected the movie to be good.
Agreed! Cinerama here I come!