The Christmas Slow Down

Is “Slow Down” one word or two? Hyphen? Whatever. I am down in the south of Washington, it is quite lively this time of year… Blogging will be light over the next two weeks as I spend more time with family and just slacking off in general. I do still plan on getting up posts on the Lonely Forest show at the Historic University Theater, the Late Tuesday show at the Q Cafe, dad’s side of the family Christmas party, and step-dad’s side of the family Christmas party… eventually. Pretty fun weekend! Even the Saturday at 8:30 am (!!!) UCF board meeting was extremely enjoyable! More to follow!

I hope that your Christmas seasons are blessed!

Categories: Daily Life
  1. December 21st, 2006 at 09:39 | #1

    Merry Christmas to you and your family Matt :)

  2. December 23rd, 2006 at 22:53 | #2

    Thank you very much Tony! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas over on the east coast!

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