The 2006 Jones Family Christmas

The week after the new year I am finally posting on my family Christmas that took place a week before Christmas! Sounds about right, eh? This was the annual celebration with my dad’s side of the family: the Joneses, Bradys, Footes, Conants, and Withrows. The power was out for half the day up at the Brady household in Edmonds, but that didn’t stop us from having fun and eating lots of tasty food! All of the pictures can be viewed at my Flickr set: Jones Family Christmas 2006. Yes the pictures are biased towards Emily. But really, can you blame me?

Waiting patiently. - Emily and her new pink sweater.

Emily got Curt and Wendy a painted footprint! - The family in the chaos.

Check out all the pictures here!

Categories: Daily Life, Photoblog
  1. Nancy
    January 10th, 2007 at 12:00 | #1

    My, what a nice looking family!! )
    Great pictures Matt, especially of Em, isn’t she a kick?
    How’s the snow up your way?
    Love you,

  1. January 19th, 2007 at 23:57 | #1

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