Dad - 15 Years Later

Summer is drawing to a close and it has been a good one (more to come about Europe and camping with the fam). It is this time of year that my family and I remember the life of my dad, Jim Jones. In previous posts (here, here, here, and here) on August 17th I have posted pictures commemorating the day he passed and left to meet Christ and those who have gone on before him.

Today (well it got posted early, so tomorrow) is the 15th anniversary of his death and is also significant in that I have spent half of my life without him. Time really has gone incredibly fast but he still lingers in my thoughts, mind, and prayers. Andy put things well in talking about the passing of grandpa Withrow when he said (if I might paraphrase) that we don’t mourn for he who has past, for he has gone on to a better place but we mourn for those of us left behind who now have to continue on without them. And gone on we have. He is missed and I truly look forward to seeing him again. I just hope he is proud of who I have become and who I will become. Thanks to dad for being the person and example he was and continues to be. It has been a hard 15 years, but a blessed 15 years.

The Jones family out at Northwest Trek.

Categories: Daily Life
  1. Marsha Nicholl Rawlings
    August 18th, 2009 at 07:06 | #1

    Matt, I don’t know if you remember me or my family, but I knew your Dad from the time we were small kids. Our families went to church together and camping and our folks belonged to Formum and Frolic through St Lukes Church. Your Dad was a special person and I know he would be so proud of what you have done with your life. Nancy and Barb keep me informed of what you and Erin are doing. Jim would be proud of both of you. The world lost a wonderful friend that day. Keep doing what your doing. Marsha

  2. John
    September 2nd, 2009 at 21:39 | #2

    I know Jimmer is proud of you and the man you have become. I am also very proud of you and we love you very much. It’s hard to believe that it’s been 15 years- and that we have all continued on with only memories to keep him with us. I miss him so much still, but I am thankful for the time we did spend together. Have a great school year Matt-much love!

  3. October 2nd, 2009 at 21:37 | #3

    Marsha: thank you for your kinds words and your note. It is wonderful to hear from people for my family’s past!

    John: Thank you, I appreciate that a lot. It is amazing that 15 years has gone by so quickly! Love you John!

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