Are you a Christian?

November 29th, 2004 Matt Jones No comments

I have a somewhat sociological question for the blogosphere. What make someone (YOU) decide to call himself or herself a Christian? This question can be applied to many things, but I am specifically interested in its relation to Christianity.

To YOU, what is a defining characteristic that would lead you to say, �Yes, I am a Christian!�? I am assuming for many �devout� Christians this will be a fairly simple question. I would really like to hear from people who consider themselves �marginal� Christians (not marginal people, mind you), those who don�t consider themselves devout.

Why do some people consider themselves Christian if certain Christian beliefs aren�t held? I am guess that many people would consider Jesus a good person but if asked about his divinity, they might shy away. Or if pressed about Christianity being the Truth and therefore nothing else could be, there are Christians that might distance themselves. My question, then, is why is there the need to call yourself Christian?

It seems there are many �church-goers� out there, but it is always difficult to have an accurate representation of �real� Christians. Of course this brings up the problem of what a �real� Christian is. Far be it from me to say who is and who isn�t. For this �exercise� I am more concerned with why people feel they have to fit into that category if they don�t consider themselves devout. Is being a Deist not inclusive enough?

I am quite curious to hear what people have to say about this.


Please head over to the original post to read the extensive discussion. [UPDATE: The original post and comments are no longer available. :( Sorry!]

UPDATE: The discussion has been great in the comments section, I would love to hear from more of you!

UPDATE: Glenn (hope you don’t mind the link Glenn!) has posted some more insightful thoughts on this subject over here.

PS, On a side note, Get Fuzzy is funny.

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A Thanksgiving Photoblog

November 24th, 2004 Matt Jones 2 comments

A Thanksgiving photoblog (inspired by Donald sensing over at �One Hand Clapping�). All these pics are copyrighted by me (I guess), except for the Trifid pic that I didn�t take. If you want to see a larger pic, most are clickable.

Here are a few things that I am quite thankful for (among many others):


Safeco Field, Seattle, WA.


Downtown Seattle from the Space Needle

Some wonderful educational institutions.

The University of Washington�s Quad

Regent College

Celebrating our Freedom

The Maker of All

The �Duomo� in Florence, Italy (how exactly are you supposed to take a picture of God?)

Some of My Wonderful Friends

Matt Boutry, Seiji Okamoto, me, and Dan Williams at High School Graduation.

Some good friends I made through UCF.

Group of friends in the snow.

Some of My Wonderful Family

My Grandma and Grandpa Jones

My mom and I at my High School graduation.

The gang at Andy and Katie�s Wedding.

Bunch of kids playin� in the pool.

The big family Thanksgiving dinner.

God�s Wonderful Creation

Some startrails at Snoqualmie Pass.

The Trifid Nebula

A sunset from Golden Gardens Park in Seattle, WA.

Shalom and Happy Thanksgiving!

2 comments - Keep the comments coming!

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November 24th, 2004 Matt Jones No comments

This is something I wrote a while back, if it is too long, thats ok, don’t read it. :)

When thinking of our universe, there are a few things that people normally think of: galaxies, planets, gas, nebulas, and maybe even black holes. All these objects seem pretty normal and complete. Astronomers were perfectly happy with trying to figure out how all the above-mentioned things worked and interacted together when a large kink came into all the theorizing. Why were the velocity curves of galaxies showing that there should be more mass than was seen in all the �normal� or baryonic matter? All the data did not make sense. To most people, it still does not. After analyzing data from velocity curves and studying the dynamics of how galaxies interact with each other, it was determined that approximately 90% of the mass of the entire universe can not be seen. What does that mean and how is that possible? This indicates that previous notions about what the universe was made of must be rethought. The only way for this to be possible is if there is some form of baryonic matter that we cannot see or some new from of exotic matter that has not been thought of before. A few of the current theories about what the missing matter is in the universe are MACHOs, WIMPs, neutrinos, and annihilating particles. Until final proof about what dark matter is virtually any of the theories could be right, wrong, or a mixture of both. As time progresses theories will change, fail, and new ones will arise. Current theories are very interesting and many astronomers feel very strongly about one theory or another. Evidence for and against should be looked at in a case-by-case matter in order to formulate new postulations that can in turn be tested and researched.

After realizing that the majority of the mass of the universe is unseen, it became the task of many astronomers to figure out what this missing mass is and where it resides. There has been much debate about what the mater really is between astronomers. Those supporting MACHOs, Massive Compact Halo Objects, and those supporting WIMPs, Weakly Interacting Massive Particles, have strong ideas and both hold true to their theories and will continue to do so until they have been completely disproved. MACHOs are exactly what their name suggests, massive objects that reside in a galaxy�s halo. The halo is a spherical region centered at the middle of a galaxy�s bulge. Globular clusters (large groupings of up to hundreds of thousands of old stars within in a small volume of space) that are already seen in this region of a galaxy are letting astronomers know that matter can and does exist in that area. Velocity profiles suggest dark matter is present and lead astronomers to believe that there could be a large amount of mass in the halo region. Since the globular clusters in the halo, in addition to the stars and other visible material in the plane of the galaxy, are not enough mass to account for the velocity curves, there must be some other mass somewhere in the galaxy, including the halo. MACHOs are what astronomers have come up with to account for this matter.

What is needed is normal baryonic matter that could be very massive and reside in the halo. The first thing that comes up is a star that did not have enough mass to ignite. A brown dwarf is a star similar to the sun, but less massive, made of hydrogen but could not ever get the nuclear furnace going. If they aren�t brown dwarfs, MACHOs are most likely black holes. (Lewin 1997) A black hole is a star that has collapsed down from sizes larger than our sun to smaller than a small rock. A black hole is so dense that not even light can escape from it. Black holes have been theorized to exist in many places and there is a theory that suggests that there could be many so-called primordial black holes left over from the Big Bang. A black hole is a great example of what dark matter could be as no light can escape from it. As a result they are impossible to directly detect (but can be detected in other ways). So how do astronomers go about detecting objects that give off no or very little light? The first method is to just look into the sky. It is much harder because objects like brown dwarfs are very faint. With newer technologies such as adaptive optics and newer generation space telescopes it is easier to directly observe these objects. Data taken from the Hubble Space Telescope suggests that brown dwarfs only make up around 6% of the matter in the halo. This is a good start, but obviously not the 90% that should be there. Consequently astronomers must move on to another detection method. The primary method being used and studied currently is strong gravitational lensing. Sound like optics? It is actually a very good analogy to optics in that mass, and therefore an associated gravity, can bend light to a point, effectively lensing starlight. As seen in the image (Fig 1),

light from a very distant galaxy emits light in all directions, some straight at us, some away from us. Since matter causes gravity, very massive objects are able to bend light. The next image (Fig 2) shows the effects of this light bending. Instead of seeing one bluish galaxy in the center, a bluish (because of the color of the galaxy) light or smudge will show up in a ring pattern around the center. So what does this do for the search for dark matter? After studying the images of candidates for this lensing, density maps can be plotted. By studying how the light has been bent and by how much, these plots are created. When the mass distribution has come out of that it can be compared to what is actually seen visually. If there is a discrepancy between how much mass we physically see there and how much mass should be there to cause the lensing, dark matter has been found (in theory). From this lensing exact placement of the dark matter can be determined even if it is not known exactly what it is (i.e. a back hole, brown dwarf, etc.). In the pictures the dark matter of the central cluster outweighs all of the combined mass of the cluster�s galaxies by 250 times. Similar to strong gravitational lensing, weak lensing is another method to detect dark matter MACHOs. The presence of an unseen object can distort the light coming directly from a galaxy. The warping of a distant galaxy is a good indication that there is some gravitational force acting on the light between the galaxy and the earth. There are other methods for detecting MACHOs but the three mentioned above at current time are the most interesting and the most promising for actual detection and finding much of the missing mass. (Bell Labs 1999)

The next interesting possibility are new, exotic particles called WIMPS (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles). WIMP theory is currently the most popular among astronomers. To many it has the most promise to account for all the missing matter. Astronomers suggest that these new particles do not interact with matter like other particles do. However, if they have a slight amount of mass (on order of a few hydrogen atoms), because of suggested amounts, they could account for much of the missing mass in the universe. (Lewin 1997) The hard part, once again, of this theory is to figure out how to detect particles that very rarely interact with normal matter. Particle physicists now get involved to help astronomers determine what these particles are and how to detect them. Since WIMP interactions are very rare in normal matter the idea is to set up a very sensitive instrument that can detect the slightest interactions and also be able to get rid of data from cosmic rays that have slightly similar interactions. One such project involves cooling a crystal to near absolute zero (to reduce motion of the atoms) and registering interactions in the crystal by detecting a heat rise. (Miller 1995) So detection of WIMPS will come with updating and inventing newer and better detectors that can discriminate between the new, rarely interacting, particles and particles that we already know the physics for.

Astronomers have opened up a very popular and extremely interesting new area of study with advances in dark matter research. MACHOs and WIMPs are only two of the theories surrounding the enigma of where all the mass is. Even if it can�t be decided which theory is correct, the drive to figure it out will keep bettering theories and inspiring people to come up with new ones. Down the road it will probably be figured out that the dark matter in our universe is made up of many different things, probably incorporating aspects of many different theories. The striving for understanding about how our universe will ultimately lead to better and better theories that will hopefully bring us closer to the truth. It is now known that dark matter is out there, but now the task is to pinpoint what it is.


�Bell Laboratories Physical Science Research: Dark Matter� 1999. (29 Nov. 2000)

Lewin, J.D. �CLRC RAL Open Days 1998. Dark Matter.� April 1997. (4 Dec. 2000)

Miller, Chris. �Cosmic Hide and Seek: the Search for the Missing Mass.� 1995. (4 Dec. 2000)

[UPDATE: The original post and comments are no longer available. :( Sorry!]

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What is wrong with people? (x3)

November 19th, 2004 Matt Jones No comments

Over the past few days I have stumbled across a few things that make me wonder “what is wrong with people?”

Let me start with Michael Moore. The Guarding is reporting that Michael Moore has stated that “Fifty-one percent of the American people lacked information [in this election] and we want to educate and enlighten them. They weren’t told the truth. We’re communicators and it’s up to us to start doing it now.” Moore is planning a new “documentary” called Fahrenheit 9/11 1/2 so he can “enlighten” us and give us that information we were painfully without.

What is wrong with this man? Seriously. If anything, I think the democratic party should do everything in their power to shut him up. I think his mocking of the American people and and calling people uneducated for their vote is very damaging to them. People can see through his false humility and lies to see what he really is. Why is he making this film? Two reasons that I can see: to spit some more on the American population and to fill his large pant pockets with even more money.

Speaking of money…

Latrell Sprewell is a guard for the Timberwolves. They offered him a three year, $21 million contract that was a reduction of $7 million of yearly salary. I don’t know their reasons specifically for this reduction, but probably relate to him “aging” (in terms of playability) as well as choking his coach (nice guy). I can understand he might be a little upset as a loss of 7 mil a year is a significant loss, but here is what this guys says along with his request for a trade: “I’ve got my family to feed.”

What is wrong with this man? $21 million over three years (not to mention all that he has earned thus far) isn’t enough to feed your kids? Obviously he can’t literally mean that, but what was he thinking? If he did really mean that, he is very sad person.

Speaking of feeding people…

There are many agencies in the world that offer sponsorships of children in third world countries in order to help feed them, clothe them, offer them medical help, and educate them. Compassion, World Vision, and Christian Children’s Fund are three such example that seems to be pretty legit. There are, of course, many out there that are not on the up and up and just take advantage of people and not much money actually reaches the child. That being said, child sponsorship can be a very worth while endeavor and a worthy charity to support. Although I am not a big fan of some of their commercials, they serve there purpose and are needed to get the word out. The just really aren’t my thing though. I always wonder how much aid the camera crew has offered to the people they are filming. Toyota has decided it would be a lovely idea to parody these commercials to sell a truck.

What is wrong with Toyota? This is one of the most insensitive commercials I have seen in a long time. Even if you disagree with the child sponsorship organizations, there are still many needy children around the world that have next to nothing and Toyota has decided it wise to take this $20,000 or so truck and somehow equate it to a child that hasn�t eaten in days? This is pathetic. �If you can give up one coffee a day (holding a Starbucks cup) you can have one for your own.� Seriously, what is wrong with Toyota and more importantly, why are other people not enraged by this? I don�t care if you are a Christian, a Muslim, a Satanist, or Atheist, I would hope you have enough compassion for starving children that to see feeding them equated with the need for a truck as something to be abhorred.

(This is really stupid of me, but I was so annoyed by the commercial that I actually forgot who the maker of the truck was, when I see the commercial again, I will fill in the XXXXXs. Why is it I can see a commercial over and over when I don’t want to see it and then when I DO want to see it, I don’t see it for 3 days? UPDATE: XXXXXs are now Toyotas, thanks Division!)


Some interesting discussion at the original post. [UPDATE: The original post and comments are no longer available. :( Sorry!]

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Osama and Arafat

November 13th, 2004 Matt Jones No comments

I am wondering what has happened to Osama? He has made some pretty big threats on those blasted red states (Now, being from a “blue” state and also living in Canada I should be ok, how lucky am I??). The lack of terrorist “happenings” on US soil since the elections should be a pretty clear indication of the “power” bin Laden has. I am actually wondering if some of his followers are pulling a “Weekend and Burnies” type thing, possibly really advanced 3d animation that they have been working on the their caves?

Either him being dead or just inept, doesn’t seem to be much of a concern right now. Him and the rest of his cronies will eventually be tracked down. I am sure they all wept for Yasser Arafat.

Speak of the devil… as a Christian I do indeed mourn for his lost soul. I can’t say the world won’t be a better place without him but it is sad to see a soul lost to the Evil One. Mr. “Peace Prize” Arafat has been a horrid ruler. I agree that with the history of the Palestinians, they deserve their own nation. But Israel does as well. Both sides have been brutal in their “interactions” with each other so neither are blameless. But Arafat made peace inpossible. Even with the peace talks under Clinton, Arafat essentially said its not enough. For him it was all or nothing, taking the notion of “jihad” to the extremes, just as Osama does. They only way there can be peace there is if both sides recognize that they are both going to be there. Peace can not come if one wants to completly rid the other from the planet. Both Israel and Palestine should be their own state, they don’t have to get along, they just have to exist together. Hopefully Arafat’s replacement will attempt to make peace instead of pretending to be for it. Bush seems to be ready to help if both parties are serious about it. I guess we shall see what happens.


Original Post with comments. [UPDATE: The original post and comments are no longer available. :( Sorry!]

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The epitome of sloth and glut.

November 9th, 2004 Matt Jones No comments

I am continualy amazed at how american culture can take sin to the next level. “The Seven Deadly Sins.” Of course no sin is more deadly than any other but those seven are probably the most obvious of personal sins. Apparently we, as a society, are tired of keeping those sins separate. “What we REALLY need to do is figure out how we can combine sins so I don’t have to waste time on individual indulgences.”

A few refrigerator companies have figured it would be a good idea if they merged sloth and gluttony. They have figured that people are just not lazy enough (or maybe they think we are already this lazy and want us to keep up the good work), and have built a refrigerator with a television built in. I saw this about half a year ago at Fry’s, and am now seeing it on television commercials. What is going on? Walking five or ten feet from the kitchen to the television was just too straining? I REALLLLLLY need that cheese log, if only it was near the tv. How have things come to this? I want my kids to have complete access, all hours of every day to the least amount of movement possible. What I am working on now is building a bed on top of the fridge with the tv, oh and don’t forget the internet!

Shalom and happy eating/watching.

Original Post with comments. [UPDATE: The original post and comments are no longer available. :( Sorry!]

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